LK3xml: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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(Utworzono nową stronę "=LK3 xml= Opis zmiennych jakie może zwrócić LK3 przez plik xml.<br/> To są w tej chwili wszystkie zmienne jakie zwraca LK3.<br/> Oczywiście pobieramy tylko te co s...")
(Jezyk i wyglą)
(Nie pokazano 11 wersji utworzonych przez 2 użytkowników)
Linia 5: Linia 5:
Oczywiście pobieramy tylko te co są nam aktualnie potrzebne, można<br/>
Oczywiście pobieramy tylko te co są nam aktualnie potrzebne, można<br/>
wszystkie tylko po co obciążać Lan Kontroler i generować ruch w sieci.
wszystkie tylko po co obciążać Lan Kontroler i generować ruch w sieci.
chcemy tylko odczytywać czas i stan wyjść out to zrobimy takiego xml'a.
chcemy tylko odczytywać czas i stan wyjść out to zrobimy takiego xml'a.<br/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?><br/>
Nazwy w środkowych nawiasach muszą być takie jak w spisie poniżej,
w zewnetrznych nawiasach są dowolne uzywane juz do wykorzystania w
Nazwy w środkowych nawiasach muszą być takie jak w spisie poniżej, w zewnętrznych nawiasach są dowolne używane już do wykorzystania w javascript.
"t0", //0 sekundy
===Czas pracy===
"t1", //1 minuty
"t0", //0 sekundy<br/>
"t2", //2 godziny
"t1", //1 minuty <br/>
"t3", // 3 dni
"t2", //2 godziny <br/>
"t3", // 3 dni <br/>
"t4", // 4 czas
"t4", // 4 czas
"out", //5 out state
"inp1", //6 INP1A
"out", //5 out state <br/>
"inp2", //7 INP2A
=== Wejścia Analogowe - wartość===
"inp3", //8 INP3A
"inp1", //6 INP1A <br/>
"inp4", //9 INP4A
"inp2", //7 INP2A <br/>
"inp5", //10 INP5A
"inp3", //8 INP3A <br/>
"inp6", //11 INP6A
"inp4", //9 INP4A <br/>
"vin", //12 vin
"inp5", //10 INP5A <br/>
"tem", //13 temp board
"inp6", //11 INP6A <br/>
"ind", //14 inpD
"vin", //12 vin <br/>
"nip", //15 ip adres
"tem", //13 temp board <br/>
"nmk", //16 ip mask
"ind", //14 inpD <br/>
"ngw",//17 ip gatewy
"nip", //15 ip adres <br/>
"nds",//18 ip DNS
"nmk", //16 ip mask <br/>
"nmac", //19 MAC adres
"ngw",//17 ip gatewy <br/>
"npor",///20 http port
"nds",//18 ip DNS <br/>
"ndh", //21 dhcp
"nmac", //19 MAC adres <br/>
"hw", //22 HW
"npor",///20 http port <br/>
"sw", //23 SW
"ndh", //21 dhcp <br/>
"auth",//24 autoryzacja on/off
"hw", //22 HW <br/>
"userpass", //25 admin user log i pass
"sw", //23 SW <br/>
"nds2", //26 ip dns2
"auth",//24 autoryzacja on/off <br/>
"name", //27 LK3 name
"userpass", //25 admin user log i pass <br/>
"xname", //28 out_t name
"nds2", //26 ip dns2 <br/>
"asout", //29 auto switch on/off
"name", //27 LK3 name <br/>
"ouast", //30 out on/off after start
"xname", //28 out_t name <br/>
"oasdt0", //31 out after start delay
"asout", //29 auto switch on/off <br/>
"oasdt1", //32 out after start delay
"ouast", //30 out on/off after start <br/>
"oasdt2", //33 out3 after start delay
"oasdt0", //31 out after start delay <br/>
"oasdt3", //34 out4 after start delay
"oasdt1", //32 out after start delay <br/>
"oasdt4", //35 out_t after start delay
"oasdt2", //33 out3 after start delay <br/>
"oasdt5", //36 out_t after start delay
"oasdt3", //34 out4 after start delay <br/>
"upgr", //37 upgrade
"oasdt4", //35 out_t after start delay <br/>
"t_ena",//38 ntp enabled
"oasdt5", //36 out_t after start delay <br/>
"t_man",//39 ntp set manual
"upgr", //37 upgrade <br/>
"t_ser",//40 ntp server
"t_ena",//38 ntp enabled <br/>
"t_por",//41 ntp port
"t_man",//39 ntp set manual <br/>
"t_zon",//42 ntp zone
"t_ser",//40 ntp server <br/>
"t_por",//41 ntp port <br/>
"t_zon",//42 ntp zone <br/>
"t_int",//43 ntp interval
"t_int",//43 ntp interval
"wden",//44 wdog enabled
"wdem",//45 wdog email
"wden",//44 wdog enabled <br/>
"wdho0",//46 wdog host/ip
"wdem",//45 wdog email <br/>
"wdho1",//47 wdog host/ip
"wdho0",//46 wdog host/ip <br/>
"wdho2",//48 wdog host/ip
"wdho1",//47 wdog host/ip <br/>
"wdho3",//49 wdog host/ip
"wdho2",//48 wdog host/ip <br/>
"wdho4",//50 wdog host/ip
"wdho3",//49 wdog host/ip <br/>
"wdif",//51 wdog icmp fail
"wdho4",//50 wdog host/ip <br/>
"wdiw",//52 wdog icmp wait time
"wdif",//51 wdog icmp fail <br/>
"wdip",//53 wdog icmp send period
"wdiw",//52 wdog icmp wait time <br/>
"wdwt",//54 wdog wait time after start
"wdip",//53 wdog icmp send period <br/>
"wdrt",//55 wdog restart time
"wdwt",//54 wdog wait time after start <br/>
"wdmr",//56 wdog max restart
"wdrt",//55 wdog restart time <br/>
"pingt", // 57 ping time w ms
"wdmr",//56 wdog max restart <br/>
"pingf", // 58 ping fail count
"pingt", // 57 ping time w ms <br/>
"pingr", // 59 ping restart state
"pingf", // 58 ping fail count <br/>
"e_1", //60 email serwer
"pingr", // 59 ping restart state <br/>
"e_2", //61 email port
"e_3", //62 email user
"e_1", //60 email serwer <br/>
"e_4", //63 email pass
"e_2", //61 email port <br/>
"e_5", //64 email to
"e_3", //62 email user <br/>
"e_6", //65 email from
"e_4", //63 email pass <br/>
"e_7", //66 email subject
"e_5", //64 email to <br/>
"snmpc",//67 snmp community
"e_6", //65 email from <br/>
"igain0",//68 inpa1 gain
"e_7", //66 email subject <br/>
"igain1",//69 inpa2 gain
"igain2",//70 inpa3 gain
"snmpc",//67 snmp community <br/>
"igain3",//71 inpa4 gain
"ivin0",//72 inpa1 vin 3,3 or 30
"igain0",//68 inpa1 gain <br/>
"ivin1",//73 inpa2 vin 3,3 or 30
"igain1",//69 inpa2 gain <br/>
"ivin2",//74 inpa3 vin 3,3 or 30
"igain2",//70 inpa3 gain <br/>
"ivin3",//75 inpa4 vin 3,3 or 30
"igain3",//71 inpa4 gain <br/>
"dtht", //76 dth22 temperature
"dthh", //77 dth22 wilgoc
"ivin0",//72 inpa1 vin 3,3 or 30 <br/>
"ds0",// 78 ds18b20 1
"ivin1",//73 inpa2 vin 3,3 or 30 <br/>
"ds1",// 79 ds18b20 2
"ivin2",//74 inpa3 vin 3,3 or 30 <br/>
"ds2",// 80 ds18b20 3
"ivin3",//75 inpa4 vin 3,3 or 30 <br/>
"ds3",// 81 ds18b20 4
"ds4",// 82 ds18b20 5
===DTH & DS18B20===
"ds5",// 83 ds18b20 6
"dtht", //76 dth22 temperature <br/>
"ds6",// 84 ds18b20 7
"dthh", //77 dth22 wilgoc <br/>
"ds7",// 85 ds18b20 8
"ds0",// 78 ds18b20 1 <br/>
"x1",//86 do wykorzystania
"ds1",// 79 ds18b20 2 <br/>
"x2",//87 do wykorzystania
"ds2",// 80 ds18b20 3 <br/>
"x3",//88 do wykorzystania
"ds3",// 81 ds18b20 4 <br/>
"x4",//89 do wykorzystania
"ds4",// 82 ds18b20 5 <br/>
"oname0",// 90 out1 name
"ds5",// 83 ds18b20 6 <br/>
"oname1",// 91 out2 name
"ds6",// 84 ds18b20 7 <br/>
"oname2",// 92 out3 name
"ds7",// 85 ds18b20 8 <br/>
"oname3",// 93 out4 name
"oname4",// 94 out5 name
"x1",//86 do wykorzystania <br/>
"oname5",// 95 out6 name
"x2",//87 do wykorzystania <br/>
"pname0", //96 pwm1
"x3",//88 do wykorzystania <br/>
"pname1", //97 pwm1
"x4",//89 do wykorzystania <br/>
"pname2", //98 pwm1
"pname3", //99 pwm1
"oname0",// 90 out1 name <br/>
"iname0",//100 inpa1
"oname1",// 91 out2 name <br/>
"iname1",//101 inpa2
"oname2",// 92 out3 name <br/>
"iname2",//102 inpa3
"oname3",// 93 out4 name <br/>
"iname3",//103 inpa4
"oname4",// 94 out5 name <br/>
"iname4",//104 inpa5
"oname5",// 95 out6 name <br/>
"iname5",//105 inpa6
"tname0",//106 t1
"pname0", //96 pwm1 <br/>
"tname1",//107 t2
"pname1", //97 pwm1 <br/>
"tname2",//108 t3
"pname2", //98 pwm1 <br/>
"tname3",//109 t4
"pname3", //99 pwm1 <br/>
"tname4",//110 t5
===NAZWY - wejść===
"tname5",//111 t6
"tname6",//112 t7
"iname0",//100 inpa1 <br/>
"tname7",//113 t8
"iname1",//101 inpa2 <br/>
"idname0",//114 INPD1
"iname2",//102 inpa3 <br/>
"idname1",//115 INPD2
"iname3",//103 inpa4 <br/>
"idname2",//116 INPD3
"iname4",//104 inpa5 <br/>
"idname3",//117 INPD4
"iname5",//105 inpa6 <br/>
"pwm", //118 pwm on/off
"pwmf0",//119 pwm freq 1
"tname0",//106 t1 <br/>
"pwmf1",//120 pwm freq 2
"tname1",//107 t2 <br/>
"pwmd0",//121 pwm duty1
"tname2",//108 t3 <br/>
"pwmd1",//122 pwm duty2
"tname3",//109 t4 <br/>
"pwmd2",//123 pwm duty3
"tname4",//110 t5 <br/>
"pwmd3",//124 pwm duty4
"tname5",//111 t6 <br/>
"dsid",//125// DS18b20 read id
"tname6",//112 t7 <br/>
"inpdnn",//126 inpd negative
"tname7",//113 t8 <br/>
"outnn",//127 out negative
====Wejśc Cyfrowych====
"ortime0",//128 //out reset time
"idname0",//114 INPD1 <br/>
"ortime1",//129 //out reset time
"idname1",//115 INPD2 <br/>
"ortime2",//130 //out reset time
"idname2",//116 INPD3 <br/>
"ortime3",//131 //out reset time
"idname3",//117 INPD4 <br/>
"ortime4",//132 //out reset time
"ortime5",//133 //out reset time
"eblock",//134 // elemnt blocked
"echeck",//135 // element checked
"pwm", //118 pwm on/off <br/>
"eve0",//136 // event 0 stat
"pwmf0",//119 pwm freq 1 <br/>
"eve1",//137 // event 1 stat
"pwmf1",//120 pwm freq 2 <br/>
"eve2",//138 // event 2 stat
"pwmd0",//121 pwm duty1 <br/>
"eve3",//139 // event 3 stat
"pwmd1",//122 pwm duty2 <br/>
"eve4",//140 // event 4 stat
"pwmd2",//123 pwm duty3 <br/>
"eve5",//141 // event 5 stat
"pwmd3",//124 pwm duty4 <br/>
"eve6",//142 // event 6 stat
"dsid",//125// DS18b20 read id <br/>
"eve7",//143 // event 7 stat
"inpdnn",//126 inpd negative <br/>
"eve8",//144 // event 8 stat
"outnn",//127 out negative <br/>
"eve9",//145 // event 9 stat
"ortime0",//128 //out reset time <br/>
"ev0",//146 // event 0
"ortime1",//129 //out reset time <br/>
"ev1",//147 // event 1
"ortime2",//130 //out reset time <br/>
"ev2",//148 // event 2
"ortime3",//131 //out reset time <br/>
"ev3",//149 // event 3
"ortime4",//132 //out reset time <br/>
"ev4",//150 // event 4
"ortime5",//133 //out reset time <br/>
"ev5",//151 // event 5
"eblock",//134 // elemnt blocked <br/>
"ev6",//152 // event 6
"echeck",//135 // element checked <br/>
"ev7",//153 // event 7
"eve0",//136 // event 0 stat <br/>
"ev8",//154 // event 8
"eve1",//137 // event 1 stat <br/>
"ev9",//155 // event 9
"eve2",//138 // event 2 stat <br/>
"ht0",//156 // http get enable
"eve3",//139 // event 3 stat <br/>
"ht1",//157 // http get serwer
"eve4",//140 // event 4 stat <br/>
"ht2",//158 // http get port
"eve5",//141 // event 5 stat <br/>
"ht3",//159 // http get time
"eve6",//142 // event 6 stat <br/>
"ht4",//160 // http get url
"eve7",//143 // event 7 stat <br/>
"inpp1", //161 INP1A2 po przeliczeniach
"eve8",//144 // event 8 stat <br/>
"inpp2", //162 INP2A2 po przeliczeniach
"eve9",//145 // event 9 stat <br/>
"inpp3", //163 INP3A2 po przeliczeniach
"ev0",//146 // event 0 <br/>
"inpp4", //164 INP4A2 po przeliczeniach
"ev1",//147 // event 1 <br/>
"inpp5", //165 INP5A2 po przeliczeniach
"ev2",//148 // event 2 <br/>
"inpp6", //166 INP6A2 po przeliczeniach
"ev3",//149 // event 3 <br/>
"senssel",//167 sensor select input
"ev4",//150 // event 4 <br/>
"inpcalib",//168 input kalibration value
"ev5",//151 // event 5 <br/>
"atout0",//169 outs autoswitch time
"ev6",//152 // event 6 <br/>
"atout1",//170 outs autoswitch time
"ev7",//153 // event 7 <br/>
"atout2",//171 outs autoswitch time
"ev8",//154 // event 8 <br/>
"atout3",//172 outs autoswitch time
"ev9",//155 // event 9 <br/>
"atout4",//173 outs autoswitch time
"ht0",//156 // http get enable <br/>
"atout5",//174 outs autoswitch time
"ht1",//157 // http get serwer <br/>
"atout6",//175 outs autoswitch time
"ht2",//158 // http get port <br/>
"atout7",//176 outs autoswitch time
"ht3",//159 // http get time <br/>
"atout8",//177 outs autoswitch time
"ht4",//160 // http get url <br/>
"atout9",//178 outs autoswitch time
"inpp1", //161 INP1A2 po przeliczeniach <br/>
"atout10",//179 outs autoswitch time
"inpp2", //162 INP2A2 po przeliczeniach <br/>
"atout11",//180 outs autoswitch time
"inpp3", //163 INP3A2 po przeliczeniach <br/>
"dux0", // 181 duralux
"inpp4", //164 INP4A2 po przeliczeniach <br/>
"dux1", // 182 duralux
"inpp5", //165 INP5A2 po przeliczeniach <br/>
"dux2", // 183 duralux
"inpp6", //166 INP6A2 po przeliczeniach <br/>
"dux3", // 184 duralux
"senssel",//167 sensor select input <br/>
"dux4", // 185 duralux
"inpcalib",//168 input kalibration value <br/>
"dux5", // 186 duralux
"atout0",//169 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"dux6", // 187 duralux
"atout1",//170 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"dux7", // 188 duralux
"atout2",//171 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"dux8", // 189 duralux
"atout3",//172 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"dux9", // 190 duralux
"atout4",//173 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"dux10",// 191 duralux
"atout5",//174 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"postop1",//192 position element top na status
"atout6",//175 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"postop2",//193 position element top na status
"atout7",//176 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"posleft1",//194 position element left na status
"atout8",//177 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"posleft2",//195 position element left na status
"atout9",//178 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"possave", //196 informacja ze pozycja zostala zapisana
"atout10",//179 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"duralux",//197 duralux on
"atout11",//180 outs autoswitch time <br/>
"sched0",//198 scheduler0
"sched1",//199 scheduler1
"sched2",//200 scheduler2
"dux0", // 181 duralux <br/>
"sched3",//201 scheduler3
"dux1", // 182 duralux <br/>
"sched4",//202 scheduler4
"dux2", // 183 duralux <br/>
"sched5",//203 scheduler5
"dux3", // 184 duralux <br/>
"sched6",//204 scheduler6
"dux4", // 185 duralux <br/>
"sched7",//205 scheduler7
"dux5", // 186 duralux <br/>
"sched8",//206 scheduler8
"dux6", // 187 duralux <br/>
"sched9",//207 scheduler9
"dux7", // 188 duralux <br/>
"e_8",// 208// email text
"dux8", // 189 duralux <br/>
"eemac",//209 //eeprommc adres
"dux9", // 190 duralux <br/>
"mq0",//210 enable mqtt seteing
"dux10",// 191 duralux <br/>
"mq1",//211 server
"duralux",//197 duralux on <br/>
"mq2",//212 port
=== Element STOP===
"mq3",//213 login
"postop1",//192 position element top na status <br/>
"mq4",//214 passs
"postop2",//193 position element top na status <br/>
"mq5",//215 prefix
"posleft1",//194 position element left na status <br/>
"mq6",//216 time
"posleft2",//195 position element left na status <br/>
"mq7",//217 ping time
"possave", //196 informacja ze pozycja zostala zapisana <br/>
"mq8",//218 select
"lang",// 219 jezyk menu
"sched0",//198 scheduler0 <br/>
"picture",// 220 czy jest zaladowany obrazek
"sched1",//199 scheduler1 <br/>
"line",//221 czy linie na statusie maja byc widoczne
"sched2",//200 scheduler2 <br/>
"out0",//222 stan out0
"sched3",//201 scheduler3 <br/>
"out1",//223 stan out1
"sched4",//202 scheduler4 <br/>
"out2",//224 stan out2
"sched5",//203 scheduler5 <br/>
"out3",//225 stan out3
"sched6",//204 scheduler6 <br/>
"out4",//226 stan out4
"sched7",//205 scheduler7 <br/>
"out5",//227 stan out5
"sched8",//206 scheduler8 <br/>
"sched9",//207 scheduler9 <br/>
"e_8",// 208// email text <br/>
"eemac",//209 //eeprommc adres <br/>
"mq0",//210 enable mqtt seteing <br/>
"mq1",//211 server <br/>
"mq2",//212 port <br/>
"mq3",//213 login <br/>
"mq4",//214 passs <br/>
"mq5",//215 prefix <br/>
"mq6",//216 time <br/>
"mq7",//217 ping time <br/>
"mq8",//218 select <br/>
===Jezyk i wygląd===
"lang",// 219 jezyk menu <br/>
"picture",// 220 czy jest zaladowany obrazek <br/>
"line",//221 czy linie na statusie maja byc widoczne <br/>
===Stan wyjść ===
"out0",//222 stan out0 <br/>
"out1",//223 stan out1 <br/>
"out2",//224 stan out2 <br/>
"out3",//225 stan out3 <br/>
"out4",//226 stan out4 <br/>
"out5",//227 stan out5 <br/>

Aktualna wersja na dzień 08:34, 20 mar 2017

LK3 xml

Opis zmiennych jakie może zwrócić LK3 przez plik xml.
To są w tej chwili wszystkie zmienne jakie zwraca LK3.
Oczywiście pobieramy tylko te co są nam aktualnie potrzebne, można
wszystkie tylko po co obciążać Lan Kontroler i generować ruch w sieci.


chcemy tylko odczytywać czas i stan wyjść out to zrobimy takiego xml'a.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


Nazwy w środkowych nawiasach muszą być takie jak w spisie poniżej, w zewnętrznych nawiasach są dowolne używane już do wykorzystania w javascript.

Czas pracy

"t0", //0 sekundy
"t1", //1 minuty
"t2", //2 godziny
"t3", // 3 dni
"t4", // 4 czas

"out", //5 out state

Wejścia Analogowe - wartość

"inp1", //6 INP1A
"inp2", //7 INP2A
"inp3", //8 INP3A
"inp4", //9 INP4A
"inp5", //10 INP5A
"inp6", //11 INP6A
"vin", //12 vin
"tem", //13 temp board
"ind", //14 inpD
"nip", //15 ip adres
"nmk", //16 ip mask
"ngw",//17 ip gatewy
"nds",//18 ip DNS
"nmac", //19 MAC adres
"npor",///20 http port
"ndh", //21 dhcp
"hw", //22 HW
"sw", //23 SW
"auth",//24 autoryzacja on/off
"userpass", //25 admin user log i pass
"nds2", //26 ip dns2
"name", //27 LK3 name
"xname", //28 out_t name
"asout", //29 auto switch on/off
"ouast", //30 out on/off after start
"oasdt0", //31 out after start delay
"oasdt1", //32 out after start delay
"oasdt2", //33 out3 after start delay
"oasdt3", //34 out4 after start delay
"oasdt4", //35 out_t after start delay
"oasdt5", //36 out_t after start delay
"upgr", //37 upgrade
"t_ena",//38 ntp enabled
"t_man",//39 ntp set manual
"t_ser",//40 ntp server
"t_por",//41 ntp port
"t_zon",//42 ntp zone
"t_int",//43 ntp interval

"wden",//44 wdog enabled
"wdem",//45 wdog email
"wdho0",//46 wdog host/ip
"wdho1",//47 wdog host/ip
"wdho2",//48 wdog host/ip
"wdho3",//49 wdog host/ip
"wdho4",//50 wdog host/ip
"wdif",//51 wdog icmp fail
"wdiw",//52 wdog icmp wait time
"wdip",//53 wdog icmp send period
"wdwt",//54 wdog wait time after start
"wdrt",//55 wdog restart time
"wdmr",//56 wdog max restart
"pingt", // 57 ping time w ms
"pingf", // 58 ping fail count
"pingr", // 59 ping restart state

"e_1", //60 email serwer
"e_2", //61 email port
"e_3", //62 email user
"e_4", //63 email pass
"e_5", //64 email to
"e_6", //65 email from
"e_7", //66 email subject

"snmpc",//67 snmp community

"igain0",//68 inpa1 gain
"igain1",//69 inpa2 gain
"igain2",//70 inpa3 gain
"igain3",//71 inpa4 gain

"ivin0",//72 inpa1 vin 3,3 or 30
"ivin1",//73 inpa2 vin 3,3 or 30
"ivin2",//74 inpa3 vin 3,3 or 30
"ivin3",//75 inpa4 vin 3,3 or 30

DTH & DS18B20

"dtht", //76 dth22 temperature
"dthh", //77 dth22 wilgoc
"ds0",// 78 ds18b20 1
"ds1",// 79 ds18b20 2
"ds2",// 80 ds18b20 3
"ds3",// 81 ds18b20 4
"ds4",// 82 ds18b20 5
"ds5",// 83 ds18b20 6
"ds6",// 84 ds18b20 7
"ds7",// 85 ds18b20 8

"x1",//86 do wykorzystania
"x2",//87 do wykorzystania
"x3",//88 do wykorzystania
"x4",//89 do wykorzystania

"oname0",// 90 out1 name
"oname1",// 91 out2 name
"oname2",// 92 out3 name
"oname3",// 93 out4 name
"oname4",// 94 out5 name
"oname5",// 95 out6 name

"pname0", //96 pwm1
"pname1", //97 pwm1
"pname2", //98 pwm1
"pname3", //99 pwm1

NAZWY - wejść


"iname0",//100 inpa1
"iname1",//101 inpa2
"iname2",//102 inpa3
"iname3",//103 inpa4
"iname4",//104 inpa5
"iname5",//105 inpa6


"tname0",//106 t1
"tname1",//107 t2
"tname2",//108 t3
"tname3",//109 t4
"tname4",//110 t5
"tname5",//111 t6
"tname6",//112 t7
"tname7",//113 t8

Wejśc Cyfrowych

"idname0",//114 INPD1
"idname1",//115 INPD2
"idname2",//116 INPD3
"idname3",//117 INPD4


"pwm", //118 pwm on/off
"pwmf0",//119 pwm freq 1
"pwmf1",//120 pwm freq 2
"pwmd0",//121 pwm duty1
"pwmd1",//122 pwm duty2
"pwmd2",//123 pwm duty3
"pwmd3",//124 pwm duty4
"dsid",//125// DS18b20 read id
"inpdnn",//126 inpd negative
"outnn",//127 out negative
"ortime0",//128 //out reset time
"ortime1",//129 //out reset time
"ortime2",//130 //out reset time
"ortime3",//131 //out reset time
"ortime4",//132 //out reset time
"ortime5",//133 //out reset time
"eblock",//134 // elemnt blocked
"echeck",//135 // element checked
"eve0",//136 // event 0 stat
"eve1",//137 // event 1 stat
"eve2",//138 // event 2 stat
"eve3",//139 // event 3 stat
"eve4",//140 // event 4 stat
"eve5",//141 // event 5 stat
"eve6",//142 // event 6 stat
"eve7",//143 // event 7 stat
"eve8",//144 // event 8 stat
"eve9",//145 // event 9 stat
"ev0",//146 // event 0
"ev1",//147 // event 1
"ev2",//148 // event 2
"ev3",//149 // event 3
"ev4",//150 // event 4
"ev5",//151 // event 5
"ev6",//152 // event 6
"ev7",//153 // event 7
"ev8",//154 // event 8
"ev9",//155 // event 9
"ht0",//156 // http get enable
"ht1",//157 // http get serwer
"ht2",//158 // http get port
"ht3",//159 // http get time
"ht4",//160 // http get url
"inpp1", //161 INP1A2 po przeliczeniach
"inpp2", //162 INP2A2 po przeliczeniach
"inpp3", //163 INP3A2 po przeliczeniach
"inpp4", //164 INP4A2 po przeliczeniach
"inpp5", //165 INP5A2 po przeliczeniach
"inpp6", //166 INP6A2 po przeliczeniach
"senssel",//167 sensor select input
"inpcalib",//168 input kalibration value
"atout0",//169 outs autoswitch time
"atout1",//170 outs autoswitch time
"atout2",//171 outs autoswitch time
"atout3",//172 outs autoswitch time
"atout4",//173 outs autoswitch time
"atout5",//174 outs autoswitch time
"atout6",//175 outs autoswitch time
"atout7",//176 outs autoswitch time
"atout8",//177 outs autoswitch time
"atout9",//178 outs autoswitch time
"atout10",//179 outs autoswitch time
"atout11",//180 outs autoswitch time


"dux0", // 181 duralux
"dux1", // 182 duralux
"dux2", // 183 duralux
"dux3", // 184 duralux
"dux4", // 185 duralux
"dux5", // 186 duralux
"dux6", // 187 duralux
"dux7", // 188 duralux
"dux8", // 189 duralux
"dux9", // 190 duralux
"dux10",// 191 duralux
"duralux",//197 duralux on

Element STOP

"postop1",//192 position element top na status
"postop2",//193 position element top na status
"posleft1",//194 position element left na status
"posleft2",//195 position element left na status
"possave", //196 informacja ze pozycja zostala zapisana


"sched0",//198 scheduler0
"sched1",//199 scheduler1
"sched2",//200 scheduler2
"sched3",//201 scheduler3
"sched4",//202 scheduler4
"sched5",//203 scheduler5
"sched6",//204 scheduler6
"sched7",//205 scheduler7
"sched8",//206 scheduler8
"sched9",//207 scheduler9
"e_8",// 208// email text
"eemac",//209 //eeprommc adres


"mq0",//210 enable mqtt seteing
"mq1",//211 server
"mq2",//212 port
"mq3",//213 login
"mq4",//214 passs
"mq5",//215 prefix
"mq6",//216 time
"mq7",//217 ping time
"mq8",//218 select

Jezyk i wygląd

"lang",// 219 jezyk menu
"picture",// 220 czy jest zaladowany obrazek
"line",//221 czy linie na statusie maja byc widoczne

Stan wyjść

"out0",//222 stan out0
"out1",//223 stan out1
"out2",//224 stan out2
"out3",//225 stan out3
"out4",//226 stan out4
"out5",//227 stan out5