Wagauli PL
Spis treści
- 1 Instrukcja Użytkownika
- 2 Pierwsze spojrzenie
- 3 After unpacking
- 4 The composition of the set:
- 5 Initial parameter setting
- 6 SIM CARD Instalation
- 8 Battery installation
- 9 Programming
- 10 Sending Data to the server
- 11 Other SMS command for help of USERS
- 12 Use Web page function
Instrukcja Użytkownika
Pierwsze spojrzenie
Waga jest wykonana z profili aluminiowych malowanych proszkowo
Do pomiaru ciężaru używa Tensometru opartego na różnicy rezystancji podłączonego do konwertera sygnału opartego na układzie HX711.
Wymiary 600 x 550 mm, wysokość całkowita ( bez nóg) 100mm.
After unpacking
Przed rozpakowaniem zawsze sprawdź kompletność zestawu i nie doszło do uszkodzenia podczas transportu. Kompletność zestawu do ważenia i brak uszkodzeń to gwarancja prawidłowego działania Bazy do ważenia pod ULE.
The composition of the set:
Base with weighing module (plugs of base profiles pcs4 ( or 6 to 8, this is individual for difference of version).
- Battery container
- GSM / LTE antenna
- GSM module Controller (mounted on the top of the base.
Initial parameter setting
Confirmation of Account creation on the server: [[1]] setting up and linking the device entry with GSM Controller descriptions, descriptions, descriptions and so on and so forth
SIM CARD Instalation
Sim card we instaled directly in GSM Controller. Dimension of SIM CARD is
This basic size for older cellular phones. all GSM operator sell this dimension cad.
Instalation is very easy ( look on under images )
For check of good location of WEIGHT SET UNIT user can check of signal who is delivered from antenna to GSM MODULE User can send SMS command do WEIGHT SET UNIT ( GSM MODULE) in syntax: 1234: signat=?
GSM MODULES check value and answer to sender SMS: 16:23:59, 12 lutego 2018 rssi=-79 dBm, ber=0
What is RSSI ?
RSSI: - (Received Signal Strength Indicator) - auxiliary measure; an indicator of received signal strength, including interference, thereby poorly translating into the strength of the useful signal delivered to the user; greater data transfer activity, larger RSSI and accepts values:
higher or equal to -51 dBm and -73 dBm very good signal strength
between -75 dBm and signal strength - 85 dBm
between -87 dBm to -93 dBm low signal strength (look for a better location
less than -95 dbm signal power very poor
Battery installation
The weighing base is powered by razmiar C (R14). they may be alkaline or Nickel-Cadmium or other batteries However, it should be remembered that the recommended cell by the manufacturer is Alkaline size C industrial cells (R14) with a capacity of 9000mA. This amount of energy should last for 3 months without interruption. The use of Standard Cells type C (R14) is strictly forbidden. only Alkaline cells or equivalent ensures trouble-free operation of the weighing base. On the graph You can see Volt degrees, new batter have 12V to 12.3V . Minimal for good work is 4.5V, if You see 4.5V = Batteries must be changed. Normal work for one set of battery is of battery is circle about 3 month.
- Battery installation
The batteries should be placed in the battery container, paying special attention to maintaining the correct polarization of the cells. This Container is located on the other side than andtena and GSM module ( see image).
The balance is pre-programmed for each User before shipment. At the time of initial programming, an email is sent to the client with the server's address (ule.ats.pl), username and password for logging in and browsing to the data.
Sending Data to the server
After initial programming, the balance sends data from the balance to the individual user account. The connection to the GSM network takes place every 4 hours and the data sent includes hourly readings. Summing up, the data packet sent every 4 hours contains data from 4 parameter readings every 1 hour. Therefore, the user sees hourly readings on the graph. NOTE if the connection and sending data took place at 9 o'clock in the morning, we can see new data from 6, 7 8 and 9, the next data appears after the next transmission, in 4 hours, so the data update will be shown at 13 o'clock.
Other SMS command for help of USERS
Some command You can send directly to GSM MODULE.
DESCRIPTION OF COMMANDS: Commands can be issued by SMS or via a dedicated application or any terminal (eg Hyperterminal in Windows) that supports COM serial ports. The command issued by the SMS is: authorization code: command = parameters for example:
If You have TARE ( e.g for 0.0kg after stand beehive on weight module, after send this command WEIGHT SET send 0.0 value from this command ) You can send SMS command to Your GSM MODULE.
sms format: SEND to gsm SIM CARD phone number.
commands via SMS: 1234:HX711tare - sets TARE to SET UNIT, after this command SET UNIT send to server value "0" of with weight.
1234:signal=? - checking the signal strength from the GSM network in units RSSI
1234 is individual pin code of USER, 1234 is preprograming factory PIN CODE .
other codes in next version MANUAL
All SMS messages must start with this PIN code, all users can individually change this code according to their needs.
Use Web page function
Please go to www.ule.ats.pl and login to individual Your account ( delivery to You emailbox after buy or before send parcel). after go to web page You can see this screen
at right battom screen any user can switch language between English (en) and Polish (pl) language.
Next step is click on LogIn Button ( right top)
System display LogOn Windows and ask for fill this.